Marketing your business on Facebook: How to select profiles, pages, and groups

Do you want to start marketing your business on Facebook?

Looking for a way to choose the best Facebook channel for your business?

By understanding Facebook's personal profile, business page, and the basic functions of the group, you can develop effective business identity.

In this article I will explain the options opened to business owners on Facebook and the advantages and disadvantages of using each for marketing.

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Support your business with Facebook personal profile

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  • Benefits of using personal profiles for business:

    • Attract Facebook. Posting about your business on your personal profile and creating those public posts may cause someone who does not know about you to stumble.
    • Personalize your business
    • Facebook Terms of ServiceTalk about your business without violating
    • Potential customer contact information
  • Disadvantages when using Personal Profile for business:

    • Risk of violating Facebook Terms of Service and deleting Account
    • Online orders and links to other pages can not be posted on your website.
    • It is difficult to expand business through Facebook marketing

Advertise the market on Facebook business page to promote business

facebook-pages Marketing your business on Facebook: How to select profiles, pages, and groups

See: https: //

On Facebook page, you can create a different profile from your personal profile. By separately providing a Facebook page for business you can keep your account in good condition and post, promote and concentrate content around business, industry and customers.

  • Benefits of using Facebook pages for business:

  • Advertise: Facebook has a powerful advertising tool to nurture new users and follow people who follow the business page. On the business page, you have access to the full line of advertising options. By designing an advertising campaign, you can:
    • Let people like the page and increase the number of followers.
    • Display advertisements to people who like your page
    • I will target people engaged in your posts.
    • Please target those who have already visited your website.
    • Display advertisements to people in your mail list
    • Your page attracts people who share the characteristics of people you like.
    • Please separate your personal life from your business.
    • Design a cover to highlight your products and services.
    • Access Analysis (Access analytics): You can check likes and dislikes, views, comments, comments, and shares generated by each page at a glance.
  • Disadvantage of using Facebook page for business:

    • Your ad may not be approved.
    • Managing business pages can take time

Involve a narrow audience in Facebook group

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A group of Facebook is another way to boost awareness and promote business as long as you follow the rules of the group. You can join a group related to business and share related blog posts, episodes of podcasts, etc. The group is a great way to find new connections, customers, partners. You can even create your own groups about your industry, product, or other related topics.

You can talk about yourself and help other people by answering and engaging in questions.

  1. Public group (Public groups )Is a group that anyone can join and be accepted immediately. These groups are free, usually large. Any of these groups can be found on the discovery page.
  2. Closed groups People create closed groups and reduce spam and random individual postings.
  3. Secret groups: Invite specific people


  • Benefits of a Facebook group for business:

      • When building relationships among group members through your posts and interactions, there are many people who want to participate in a specific project.
      • Building relationships outside the group, episodes of podcasts, master-mindedness, coaching calls,
  • Disadvantages of using Facebook group for business:

    • If you do not own it you can delete it from the group for any reason.
    • It may take time.


Choosing the right Facebook platform for your business is a cautious approach. Depending on the type of business, selecting a personal profile, business page, and group combination will help you achieve your business goals.


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