How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

Is your content on YouTube?

Have you considered your global content?

In this article I will show you how to expand YouTube reach and influence by optimizing videos in different languages.

table of contents

Translate video caption file

If you have already posted a YouTube video and you are uploading subtitles as subtitle files, please translate the caption into the selected 2 language.

By including subtitles in the second language, speakers in those languages ​​can understand your videos and get interest. In this method, since YouTube indexes subtitles in the 2 language, the search function also improves.

gnh-bhutan How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

reference:TEDTranslated YouTube videos into different languages ​​of 26.

To translate captions, use YouTube's built-in features,

How to help YouTube transcribe captions

If you do not want to post captions yourself, YouTube has several ways.

  • Google Translate is built into the system. However, the reliability of automatic translation varies.
  • YouTube will partner with a number of tools embedded in the platform and translate files for a fee. To find these,Information and settings],[translationClick the tab.
  • A world viewer can translate your caption. The community audits the completed captions and checks the correct captions before live. To enable this feature,Creator tool] ⇒ [Translation and subtitles] ⇒ [Request for translation to viewers」⇒ [Enable all videos]Click.

Upload the translated caption file

If you create a subtitle file in one of the supported subtitle formats,Creator tool] To the video. until now,[Manage videos], Find the video and [Edit]Click.

youtube-edit-button How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

Youtube video edit

On the CC / Subtitle tab, select the language of the caption file.

YOUTUBE-CC How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

Select the language of the YouTube caption file.

next,"Upload a file"Click.

youtube-cc-1 How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

Select the option to upload the translated caption file

Select the subtitle file of the secondary language and click [Upload].

youtube-cc-2 How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

Move to the subtitle file and click [Upload].

Translate video title and description

If you set YouTube's video metadata in multiple languages, the text will be indexed and provided to the user based on the language setting (not the location). For example, setting metadata in German will increase the likelihood of being delivered to German speaking users.

Translate video titles

Add metadata in another language,Creator tool], Open the [Manage videos] To find a video and [EditClick the button. At the top of the page,Information and settings] And select [翻 訳Scroll down to the tab.

translate-discription-box-1 How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

Enter the translated title and description in the 'Translate' tab of the YouTube video.

Select Japanese from the dropdown list on the left and set the language to translate to the right. Please enter your title like Japanese. But do not worry. Your title in Japanese will continue to be offered to others.

Just by translating the title improves the searchability in the search, as well as the possibility that the speaker of the 2 language will click on your video.

Translate video description

You can translate the description of the video to various languages ​​on the same tab that got the video title. Follow the same procedure as above.

If you have language skills, please change the nature of the description freely, not a simple translation. Different places and cultures have unique traditions, customs and communication methods.

Video descriptions are indexed for searching, and excerpts are displayed in search results as well as titles, which affect clickthrough rate. The size of the excerpt depends on the screen size of the viewer.

The original explanation of this Peaceful Cuisine is written in Japanese. By using translation options you can target countries other than your home market including wider English-speaking markets as shown here.

sakura-anpan-ingredients-by-E How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

Translate playlist title and metadata

YouTube playlists are an effective way to expand reach without spending a lot of resources and time. By translating titles and metadata into secondary languages, you can expand reach further. Also, these new audiences are more likely to watch a lot of videos in your playlist.

These playlists of Daily Busking were originally set in Korean, but they have been translated into Japanese.

daily-busking How to approach YouTube users who do not speak Japanese (1)

reference:Daily Busking

[Creator tool] To the playlist information of [Manage videos] ⇒ [Playback list] On the right side of the playlist and select [EditClick the button.

playlist How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

Open the playlist in Creator Studio and click Edit.

Next, click on the menu icon (3 point)Translate playlist information]Click.

vegan-recipes-playlist How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

Select "Translate playlist information" from the menu icon.

Next, enter the translation information of the playlist and explanation, and click [Save].

playlist-save How to approach a YouTube user who does not speak Japanese (1)

Please enter translated title and description of your YouTube playlist






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