5 one way to advertise your product on Facebook

Are you using Facebook for business?

Looking for a new way to show your products?

More customers and prospects than you can post photos on your page can see your product.

In this article, we will introduce one 5 way to increase awareness of products on Facebook.

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Ask the fans to show their love for your product

User-created content (UGC) campaign is to share and share your content. People love to take pictures and videos of what they love, so treat each person as a brand ambassador.

Despite customers being using, using or chatting products, photos and videos can introduce products in a real way and appeal to more users. UGC will also provide new ideas for using your product to current customers and help prospective customers promote purchase.

The best way to get UGC is to ask for it immediately. For example, you can provide fans with incentives to post photos. For example, it is a gift contest that needs to take pictures and input by product. You can also offer special discounts to fans sharing photos on Facebook using campaign hash tags. All goals are to inform fans that you want to share your content.

lushmask 5 two ways to promote your product on Facebook

reference:Lush Alcala instargramLush uses user hashtag # Lushcosmetics to share user generated content on your Facebook page

In addition to Facebook, you can also recruit and share UGC on other social channels like Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and others. If you need assistance, you can request photos, videos, Q & A, and reviews using a platform like Yotpo.

Show creative ways to use your products

We say that the customer's 62% is seeking brand content indicating how to use the product. You can meet that need and share the creative idea of ​​your product with video.

In my video, I just show the product and explain how to use it. It also demonstrates how other people are using it (incorporating UGC) and can provide valuable inspiration for your product line.

Make an oral introduction incentive

Customer referrals are 1 the best way to approach people who share a common interest with current customers.

If you are launching a loyalty program for your business, look for a program that will reward various customer actions. In such an action you should be able to reward customers to introduce friends to your business by sharing your page with your Facebook friends. Now that's a big reason to share!

In the loyalty program you can reward people who introduced and give discounts to friends who bought it by acting through a shared link.

If you do not have the budget or time to build your own program, third party developers can easily create it.

Build trust with ratings and reviews

If you have already created a nice next post on your Facebook page, do not be afraid to ask fans to rate or review your page. Try to do it in a non-intrusive way without obliging incentives to follow Facebook's community guidelines.

luah-review 5 one way to advertise your product on Facebook

reference:Lush Fresh HandmadeHas a great 4.6-star review rating and has a great review over 18,000. How do you build trust? 

Even with only a few 5 star ratings on your Facebook page, search engine results may improve. A review may appear on search results while users are searching for detailed information on your business. This is particularly important if it says that most shoppers conduct investigations and reviews are affecting purchase decisions.

If the Review tab of the page does not appear, go to the page and click the Settings link. On the General Settings tab, click the Review link and select the Allow visitors to review this page option. When you are finished, be sure to click 'Save Changes.'

zk-facebook-page-reviews-setting 5 one way to advertise your product on Facebook

Choose an option that allows visitors to leave a review on your page

When you do this, the Review tab of the page is displayed, and page visitors can leave a business review.

zk-facebook-page-reviews-tab-1 5 one way to advertise your product on Facebook

When review is enabled, the Review tab is displayed on the page

If you have already built a nice follow up on your Facebook page (or there are some special clients who are your brand supporter), please be thankful for the fans business over time. Please respond promptly to Facebook inquiries and occasionally give your customers even a little surprise.

Outlook for targeting in Facebook advertising

Re-targeting advertisements and an apparent audience is a major news for e-commerce, especially when advertising existing product pages with posting new products or click ad formats on websites.

You can target audiences like current buyers using your own company data. If you collect your e-mail address from your customer, import a list of e-mail addresses to Facebook and create a similar audience. It is a great way to target similar demographic profiles. However, some of the e-mail addresses stored in the file may not match the e-mail address of the person's profile.

If Facebook's Pixel is installed on your website, you can create an audience from a customer who purchased or completed other operations on your site.

For example, you might want to advertise a product that customers wanted to advertise on a cart, but did not actually purchase items. Using retargeting, you can display those products to users who are already interested.


These 5 hints will help build trust, increase users and increase the involvement of the entire brand. So, start planning a new video, collect UGC and create a Facebook advertisement that emphasizes why you are selling and why it is useful for your customers.

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