6 basic components of a powerful SEO strategy for online retailers

Here are the 6 two components of SEO that an online retailer should know.

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Keyword research is the first step of a successful SEO strategy. People who succeed in SEO understand what people are looking for when finding a business with search engines. These are the keywords used to guide the targeted traffic to their products. Brainstorming of potential keywords is started,Google AdWordsPlease check the competition situation using the keyword tool. If you notice that some keywords are too competitive in your niche, it will be easier to rank with long tail keywords (between 2 and 5 words). The longer the keyword, the less competition for that phrase in the engine.

Meta tag

Meta tags still play an important role in SEO.When you enter a keyword in a search engine, you can see how the keyword is reflected in the title of the page. Google [GOOG + 4.71%] looks up the page title as a signal of relevance for that keyword.The same applies to the description on that page. (Don't worry about keyword title tags – Google has publicly stated that it's not paying attention to those tags because they're being abused by webmasters and anyone trying to rank a particular keyword.)


That is true, the content is king. The search engine says that creating high quality content is the best way to improve not only the ranking of keywords but also the user experience. Also, by confirming that you are educating your consumers, you walk a long way and your niche authority leads to better sales.

Back link

If the content is King, the backlink is Queen. Remember, which site does not have the most links, but the highest quality link points to your website. Build a backlink by submitting monthly or monthly press releases at any exciting company, contacting popular blogs in your niche and seeing how to get backlinks from your website I will. People talking about products selling it by creating the best possible product site and linking back. Please influence the website of bloggers and news and try creating content with graphic or news value linking that content.


Algorithms have really changed since the advent of social media.Many content websites are community-oriented. Digg allows users to vote on which articles are on the top page, and YouTube puts views and user ratings in the top page rankings.Therefore, e-commerce stores need to establish a strong social media presence on sites such as Facebook [FB + 4.26%], Pinterest, and Twitter.These social media sites send search engine signals of influence and authority.

Product image

If you think the image does not play a role, please think again. When many consumers search for products by search engines, they are seeing not only the result of "web" but also the result of "image". If your site has a high-quality image of the product and contains keywords related to the name of the file, these images are often ranked in search engines. This way causes a lot of traffic to your site as potential customers click on that image to find your store.

Reference: https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2012/08/03/the-6-basic-components-of-a-strong-seo-strategy-for-online-retailers/#17c6c90ea533


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