Why 10 reason why multilingual websites are needed

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Reason 1: Time will change

The times are changing As more people buy online online around the world, there is a big possibility to attract them in their mother tongue. 7 expand your reach on all continents and gain more profit.

"Opportunities are the same as sunrise. If you wait too long, you will miss them." – William Arthur

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See also: Azquotes

Reason 2: The most cost-effective marketing tool

Multilingual websites thinking the world are rapidly becoming the most cost-effective marketing tool. Provide a great opportunity to win new users. You can also build relationships with existing customers and give international prospects to products and services.

“The Internet has become a town square for tomorrow's global villages.” – Bill Gates

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参照: AZ Quotes

Reason 3:internationalFor consumers

The future of social, local and mobile businesses is social, mobile and local. According to a 2011 European Commission survey, 10 out of 9 EU Internet users visited websites in their own language whenever given a language choice.Plus 42% “never” and 38% just “occasionally” search or buy items from non-native sites.

Reason 4: Non-English customers

New flow of customers Non-English users are actively looking for solutions to problems. It is for you. Please understand before competitors win.

“You can't offer it to your customers just by asking them for what they want. When you get it, they want something new.” – Steve Jobs

14-71-61 why quote-you-can-t-just-ask-customers-what-they-want-and-then-then-try-to-give-that-to-them-by-the-steve-jobs Why do I need a multilingual website? Why 10

参照: AZ Quotes

Reason 5: Think about your customers

Please show your customers you care! On multilingual websites, it is shown to think about your customers. It is the customer's psyche that they desire personalization. If they think about their care, they are more likely to trade with you.

“If you have a great experience, your customers tell each other about it. The mouth is very powerful.” – Jeff Bezos

Jeff-Bezos-Quotes-2 Why do I need multilingual websites Why 10

参照:The quotes

Reason 6: Trust

For most cultures that build trust, there is a problem with TRUST on purchasing issues on the web. An online experience based on your native language will help your customers to make decisions.

"Trust opens up new possibilities that you can't imagine" – Robert C. Solomon

quote-trust-opens-up-new-and-unimagined-possibilities-robert-c-solomon-66-35-08-1 10 Reasons Why You Need a Multilingual Website

See also: Azquotes

Reason 7: Be the first

Prior to our competitors, there is overwhelming competition in online business, and businesses can gain tremendous advantages over competitors if they become multilingual.

“Early birds catch insects” – English saying

unnamed Why do I need multilingual websites Why 10

See also: SketchPort

Reason 8: International service

Exploring the Earth Who does not want to recognize internationally? All business leaders start with the goal of using products and services internationally. Multilingual websites define what you think, work with and deal with at the global level.

“Globalization has transformed us into companies that explore the world not only to buy and sell, but to find the world's capitals.” – Jack Welch

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See also: iz Quotes

Reason 9: Native Search Engine

Tap the native search engine Neither France, Japan, China, Big 3 (Google, Yahoo, Bing) are both default search engines. Baidu is popular in China, Japan's Acara, France's Voila. These search engines are the key to exploiting these market opportunities and only multilingual websites can support them.

Reason 10: Increase sales

Increase sales by 400% Just add Spanish, French, German, Italian and you will increase 400% sales of various businesses working online. Simply put, 100% increases in all languages ​​added to the website.

“I like to think of sales as the ability to win people, rather than gracefully persuade and manipulate them.” – Bo Bennett

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Reference: Quote Addicts

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